Melissa Gresalfi

Melissa Gresalfi


Melissa Gresalfi is a professor in Mathematics Education and the Learning Sciences, and Dean of the Martha Rivers Ingram Commons at Vanderbilt. Her research considers how to design learning environments that support students’ empowered engagement with mathematics. Her projects explore how tasks, social interactions, and norms and broader narratives support student learning and identity. These projects share a commitment to understand how classroom structures and curricular designs create (or limit) opportunities for students to engage meaningfully with information. Her research is published in journals such as Educational Studies in Mathematics, the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,The Journal of the Learning Sciences, and Computers and Education, and she has served as Associate Editor of the American Educational Research Journal and the Journal of the Learning Sciences. She was awarded the Jan Hawkins Early Career award by Division C of the American Educational Research Association, and was a postdoctoral fellow for the National Academy of Education. Gresalfi has served as PI or co-PI on numerous grants funded through the Gates Foundation, the Institute of Education Sciences, the MacArthur Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the Spencer Foundation.